Monthly Archives: July 2008

Google policymaker argues about owning your own fiber

Here is an interesrting article from Google about our need to reduce the dependence on ISPs to deploy advanced fiber based broadband access services such as PONs. This coincides with Google chief Internet evangelist Vint Cerf criticizing ISPs for not deploying PON like infrastructure in the US (See article here). Google has also bought considerable mobile spectrum recently sold in the US.

These show Google’s increasing efforts to reduce its dependence on ISPs to supply services to end-users. Interesting Google’s blog refers to an “open access” like model (discussed earlier in this forum), in which people own the fiber connections to their home, and ISP’s bid for the right to provide services to them. The blog draws an interesting analogy to cars which were first rented by people (like cabs), but were eventually bought by masses; and computers which were first shared in a mainframe, but are now owned by everyone.

Brocade buys Foundry

Brocade announced yesterday its intent to buy Foundry networks for $3 billion, a considerable premium over Foundry’s current market cap. This deal is interesting in a variety of ways, but it definitely points towards the importance of Ethernet, particularly Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) in the future. And in many ways it could be the turning point of the ethernet revolution in the data center.

Technically the deal makes sense. Brocade is a champion of fiber channel. But with FCoE, it is clear that Brocade will be threatened by Ethernet based vendors taking away a slice of backend switches. With Foundry, Brocade can offer a product line complete with technologies over stages of evolution: from fiber channel, to ethernet, to FCoE. It also poses a challenge to Cisco’s emergence in the data center.

While this deal sounds good, I have been always skeptical of the execution of the deal when two equal sized companies merge. It just seems difficult to bring two corporate cultures together when neither one can dominate given that the size of the two is almost equal. One prominent example which has not worked till now is the AMD – ATI tech merger, the combined company’s net worth being $4 billion now compared to the $5.5 billion for which ATI Tech was initially bought. No it will be interesting to see how things move forward after the deal.

Chelsio now supported on VMWare ESX 3.5

If you missed this press release from VMWare- Chelsio’s 10 GigE family is now supported on ESX 3.5.
Also, Centillium has been bought by TranSwitch.

PMC-Sierra White Paper on 10 GigE

PMC-Sierra has released a white paper on their 10 Gig reference design. While the paper does not talk about much technical details on 10 GigE, it does try to motivate 10 GigE the obvious way, IPTV. It talks about the growing demand for HDTV, and how people with multiple set top boxes would require bandwidth that can be provided by 10 GigE solutions. Nothing much new, but may be interesting read for those in this field. Paper may be downloaded from (Registration required).